Sunday, May 16, 2010

What is the Flower in Argentina's Flag?

What is the flower of Argentina picture? Is the ceibo, also called seibo or bucare. It is the national flower of the country and is known for its intense red color. The ceibo tree is native from South America. In Argentina, it can be found in the coastal area and also in Uruguay (where it is also considered the national flower), in Brazil and Paraguay. The tree grows on the banks of the river Paraná and Río de la Plata and it is also found in areas near lakes and swamps.

The tree is tall and the deciduous foliage is bright green. In order to recognize the tree you should notice that the trunk is twisted and its wood is yellowish white and very soft .

The Ceibo wood is used to build rafts, ornaments and toys model airplane. On the other hand, the flower, is used to dye fabrics.

Many Argentines parks and gardens have ceibos because the perfume is very nice and the color is very lively. You should not take flowers, because the branches have thorns.

The ceibo tree is also known by other names such as: pico de gallo, gallito, sananduva, árbol del coral y flor de coral.

What is the flower of Argentina picture? Is Argentina’s national flower: the ceibo. According to the legend, the flower is the soul of an Indian Queen called Anahí, who belonged to one of the tribes that lived on the banks of the Paraná river. Anahí was taken prisoner by the white conquerors, and sentenced her to death. They tied her to a tree and started a fire. But when she was being burned, the queen transformed into a slender tree with red flowers. The next day at dawn, thousands of Ceibo trees spread across the territory. The tribe has disappear but the legend is still alive.

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