Tuesday, April 20, 2010

What is the Argentina greeting?

When you travel, it is interesting to learn the different customs. What is the Argentina greeting? Unlike the United States and most European countries, cheek kissing is very common, especially among women and friends. The kiss is synonymous of warm greeting and gratitude.

On the contrary, in formal situations it is recommended to shake hands. When two men meet each other for the first time they will shake hands. However, they will probably kiss when departing, especially if they had talked for a long time. When you go to the doctor, or meet some important personality, you should also shake hands. In a business meeting or in protocol dinner, is the same. While shaking hands, you must maintain eye contact because it indicates interest. In general, Argentines prefer third party introductions. You should wait for your host to introduce you, and then say hello. If you meet someone for the first time, you can say: encantada/do de conocerla/lo or mucho gusto. It means nice to meet you.

What is the Argentina greeting? Before, men were not greeted with a kiss. Nowadays, only elderly people maintain this habit. Male friends greet each other with a kiss every time they meet. It is a sign of confidence. If you know a girl for the first time, you should kiss her on the cheek.

Shaking hands, instead of kissing is not considered rude, but a little strange. If you are a foreigner, the Argentines will understand. Anyway, it is important when you go to a meeting to greet one by one.

In Chile and Uruguay they also greet with a kiss, but in other parts of Latin America, that are more traditional, kissing between men is considered an act of homosexuality. In Mexico and Colombia, for instance, Men will only kiss a woman but never, another men.

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